Wednesday, January 11, 2006


At our small group last Sunday night, our spiritual leader asked us to go around the room and tell us what word God had given them for 2006. She told us how these past two years she's asked the Lord to give her a word for the year as a theme for seeing Him work in her life. She told a brief story of how one year God gave her the word "change." As the year unfolded, she realized all the significant changes that occurred in her life throughout the year. The next year when she asked for another word, she "heard" the word "child." At first it seemed odd, until months later when her daughters started having babies. And then later in the year she got this deep sense of security that she was God's beloved child.

When it came my turn to give a word for the year, it was easy. The word "contentment" was on my heart the last few weeks. Specifically, contentment in Christ. This theme was borne from some weeks of struggling with how discontented Ican be at times. And confessing this sin to God and others. This word also surfaced after I came across a timely book called Calm My Anxious Heart by Linda Dillow (it's written for women but it has helped me tremendously -- please don't tell my Wild at Heart brothers about this!).

I've wasted far too many hours wishing I had another career, lived in another place, dwelling on regrets...rather than seeing how good the Lord has been to me and my family. And trusting Him that He has put me in this city and this job and this place in life.

One paragraph in Dillow's book really helped me. She tells of the apostle Paul's extremely difficult life -- being beaten and imprisoned and rejected because of his bold proclamation of Christ. And yet he says that he has learned the secret of contentment: "I can do everything through him who gives me strength (Phil. 4:13). Dillow remarks: "Paul recognized that the source and strength of all Christian contentment is God himself. "

That's it -- contentment is not found in my circumstances but rather through the joy and satisfaction that comes through Jesus Christ.

And so that's my word for 2006 -- contentment. And specifically, contentment in Christ.

How 'bout it? Are you ready to ask God to give you a word for the year? Pray about it. And when He gives you that word, I'd love to hear about it.

Your friend,



At 12:17 PM, Blogger Beverly said...

We don't ask for contentment when we are sitting in the middle of a field of wildflowers or by a rushing stream or when all the pieces of the puzzle seem to be falling into place with little fact, I ask for contentment when all around me seems a bit out of whack...Its when I am asking for this that I am reaching for His hand. Troubles can bring me to weird, not the way I would it a troubled marriage, a troubled child or a troubled heart..He says, "Come to me I am contentment, I am rest."

Love you, brother and I'm glad we all got to share our words..
Beverly a.k.a. togetherness

At 2:44 PM, Blogger Candy said...

Way to go Jimbo! I'm really impressed! You can do it! I look forward to reading many more Heart Talk thoughts.

Candy a.k.a. "Wonder"

At 3:58 PM, Blogger Todd Lollar said...

I'm excited you're in the blog world, JIm. Maybe we can post each others on out blogs if you'd like. God bless your moments, Brother!

At 1:59 AM, Blogger Mary Ellen said...

Jimbo: Sandra and I have enjoyed reading your new blog - we have had a great visit on Friday, January 13th in Templeton, California. She is on her way to visit your Mom for the weekend.

She told me about the birth of your new baby and we wanted to check it out - we're impressed.

Good luck - Mary Ellen Shirt

At 2:23 PM, Blogger Carolyn D said...

Little brother, you hit the nail on the head, tho it's not the world's suggestion that you remain accepting of your circumstances! I, too, am experiencing contentment, and have to balance that attitude with some "inquiring of the Lord" as to how He wants me to advance in the kingdom without using contentment as an excape from "action" -- I also need boldness in the Lord!

At 2:29 PM, Blogger Carolyn D said...

Little brother, I too want to love and practice contentment. My prayer is for discernment that I don't get so "contented" that I miss GOD's call for to ACTION. Still, I also pray that busy-ness and foolish rabbit trails don't eat up my quiet time with the One who loves me most. I really am happy doing little things. Keep my eyes on you, Lord! May GOD's presence be our contentment always.
Big Sis/Carolyn


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