Friday, June 02, 2006

Knock on the window

Nearly every morning lately I hear a familiar knock on my office window - about 8:05 a.m. It's Imogene Mickey -- age 91. She sends me the signal to let her in our front door.

Imogene is one of our many star volunteers at the Christian Service Cente. She has worked here for more than 20 years. I'd consider her a superstar. Imogene comes here almost every weekday morning and works until noon.

She still drives herself to church, to run errands, and to the Service Center. I love seeing her come in the door and walk over to our volunteer sign-up list. Beautiful white hair. A bright smile on her face. Usually there are a couple plastic bags hanging from her walker, filled with socks that she had sorted at home the night before. Imogene always reaches out to get a big hug from me or one of the regular volunteers.

Imogene absolutely loves coming to the Service Center and is probably one of the hardest workers here. Whether she is washing clothing donated by the local prison, tidying up our kitchen, helping people get clothing or working in her regular area of young boys’ clothes, she is always active.

She moved to Abilene after her husband died. Imogene started right to work at a church she had joined, teaching Bible classes for the three and four year olds. Once a week she worked on quilts with other women from the church. Every time they completed a quilt they gave it away to someone in need.

Then one day a friend from church who had worked at the Service Center for years invited Imogene to join her down there. She immediately fell in love with the work and the other volunteers there. And now she’s been here for more than two decades. Even as I write this sentence, I can hear Imogene heading down the hall to get some work done before our morning devotional meeting.

Witnessing this amazing woman’s example, I ask myself this question: What is my purpose in life? If it’s all about me, then I won’t be happy whether I’m in my twenties or my nineties. Imogene’s life clearly reveals how God can use someone and give them so much joy when they continue serving Him and others in His name. She teaches me so much about being a contented, others-centered follower of Christ.

That familiar knock on my office window reminds me each day of what it means to live out these words from God’s word:

Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. – 1 Cor. 15:58

What aged saint do you know that inspires you to be steadfast for the Lord to the end?



At 9:51 AM, Blogger Beverly said...

I love Imogene... quiet little gray-haired servants..

Revelation 3:20
Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.

At 4:42 PM, Blogger Jim Clark said...


Your mama is another amazing example of a tireless servant of Jesus -- to the very end.


At 11:01 PM, Blogger G'ampa C said...

Amen to that. Polly has a heart for God's love and his will and his people.

Years ago there was another lady like that named Jo Bass. Jo was probably the first bible teacher (man or woman) at Highland to ever claim the indwelling of the Spirit as a necessity to our faith. The ruckus that ensued caused a rift in the church, but look what the Lord has done with that...

At 9:15 AM, Blogger Jim Clark said...

G-ampa C. I love the stories I hear of Jo Bass. Clois Fowler, a beloved long-term elder at Highland, would tell me stories of Jo Bass and how she challenged the Highland elders about the work of the Holy Spirit. What a legacy she left!



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