Monday, June 05, 2006

Resting in the Love of God

This weekend my wife urged me to rest in the love of God and believe He really is for me. I don't know why I have such a hard time really believing His love. And yet I do know that I need to keep focusing on the cross and how Jesus, my Savior, took my sins to that cross. And I believe Romans 5 that promises "God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us."

Yesterday at Highland it was such a powerful moment when Foy Jackson started off his communion meditation by asking us to stand. He then read Romans 8:32-39, which concludes with the rock solid promise that nothing can "separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

I love this section of Conquering Depression that I read last night right before drifting off to sleep:

"Today, we invite you to relax. Relax in the reality of God's love for you. The cross is God's way of saying, 'I love you!' How great is this love? When Jesus learned that the price of loving you was to be death on the cross, he said, 'I choose the cross." Such is the power of love...

Jesus Christ ...went to the cross and died -- all alone. Why did he do all this? Because he loves you! Yes, God loves you, even with your faults and weaknesses!

Have you thanked God recently for loving you? Have you ever simply trusted and relaxed in his love? ...Take a moment to put aside the distractions of life... Concentrate on his wondrous love for you. Marvel on the fact that God sees every one of your faults and weaknesses and yet loves you infinitely more than you will ever understand this side of heaven.

Now take a deep breath, let it out, and sink down into the marvelous pool of divine love. It is deep enough to hold you, wide enough to encompass you, and pure enough to give you strength, hope and forgiveness. Such is the power of love -- God's love-- for you! (pp. 31-32)

Yes, Jesus, I receive this love. Thank you, Jesus, for your finished work on the cross. By faith, I do once more receive Your awesome love. Please fill me and everyone reading this blog with Your Spirit, so that we can know that love even more -- and then be a conduit of Your agape love to everyone You put in our paths today. In Your Mighty Name, dear Jesus, Amen.



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