Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Legacy of Love

Last Saturday Susan and I got up early and headed to Amarillo for the day. Our nephew, Henry Hancock, was going to receive his Eagle Scout Award that day. I've attended quite a few Court of Honor ceremonies for Eagle Scouts. This one was the most touching.

At least three different Scoutmasters went to the podium and commended Henry for his hard work, great attitude and perseverance. The youth pastor of Henry's church gave some stirring words from the book of Ephesians and talked about the leadership gifts of this young man and the mature faith he has which comes from the Lord Jesus.

Of course, the highlight and tear jerker moment of these events is always when the scout talks about their parents' influence and then giving their folks a pin. Henry spoke at great length about the support of his mother and Dad -- including the many hours his father put into helping with the troop, including going on camping trips. This young man has been deeply loved his 16 years -- by his parents and sisters, scoutmasters, pastors, and extended family. And it was the support of this tremendous community of encouragers that helped bolster Henry to achieve this milestone that is attained by only one in a hundred Boy Scouts.

Yesterday I was reading in Mark the response of Jesus to a man who asked Him what the greatest commandment is. We all know this familiar reply of the Lord:

The most important commandment is this: ‘Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is the one and only Lord. And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’ The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.' No other commandment is greater than these.”

I noticed in the column of my Bible that I had written these words:

Lord, please help me leave a legacy of love.

Friday night we watched the excellent film, "United 93." One of the most touching scenes were of the passengers calling their families to say goodbye. They didn't make calls to their broker to have their stocks rebalanced. Or contact their attorney about updating their will. They wanted to talk to their spouse or children or parents -- and say, "I love you!"

Last night I experienced another touch of God's love through His people. I had spent a long time preparing for a breakout session at a workshop for Family Caregivers. I asked Susan and a few dear friends to come help me in "The Quiet Place" -- where we offered a place of respite for these caregivers. We had lit candles around the room, had soothing Christian music playing, and set up prayer stations. I asked my friend Rod Pringle to come play the guitar. Placed on four different tables were sheets of paper with a variety of Scriptures for their comfort. The night finally arrived. About 50 people came for the event. When they all dispersed to the four breakout sessions, we waited for people to come in. And we waited...and waited. Not one person came in for our breakout session. Finally, a few of the staff members walked inand so we conducted our session with them. At the next breakout session (a repeat) a total of two came. I was really disappointed, especially when I thought of all the work I had put into this.

As we dispersed, Rod came up to me, guitar case in hand, put his strong around me and said, "Brother, I don't want you to be discouraged. This did more good than you realized. I appreciate you so much."

Then that evening at home Susan was so encouraging to me, telling me that she was proud of me in how I had organized that event.

These words of encourgement meant the world to me in what could have been a very discouraging moment. They loved me.

That is the kind of legacy I want to leave behind -- that I loved Jesus with all my heart, soul and strength and loved others in His Name. That ultimately is what life in Christ is all about. Henry felt it last Saturday. I experienced this love last night. And I pray that you'll both receive and give such love this week. For Jesus' sake. Amen.



At 1:01 PM, Blogger Neva said...

Jim, What a wonderful post. I, too, want to leave the same

Peace and prayers

At 1:22 PM, Blogger Deb said...

You are significant. You love and make others feel loved and encouraged.

Love ya, Jim!

At 4:51 PM, Blogger Kathy said...

You are significant. You love and make others feel loved and encouraged.

Love ya, Jim!

AMEN! Me too!!


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