Wednesday, June 14, 2006

This Longing in Our Hearts

The last few years I've sensed this stirring in my soul. This lack of satisfaction in the things of this world. Oh, I feel very blessed. Married to a terrific Christian woman for nearly 25 years. Two great kids with whom we have a great relationship. Health. A very rewarding job/ministry. Part of a grace-filled church. The privilege of being an elder. God has blessed us with a house, transportation, plenty of food, the joy of mission trips to Brazil.

And yet...when we have a lot of those things that we long for as a younger person -- some financial stability, family, a steady job, even a great church...have you noticed that those things don't quite satisfy? There is this longing for more.

Too often I've allowed this longing, this restlessness, to prompt me to move -- to another city, another ministry, another house. I moved far too much in my younger years. For now, I believe the Lord wants us to stay put here in Abilene and to work our jobs, carry out our responsibilities, get our kids through college, etc. But in the routine of life -- getting up early, reading some of the paper, having a quiet time, going to work, being involved at church, taking an occasional vacation, I still feel this quiet dissatisfaction.

I think that I already shared with you that great chapter from Max's book, When God Whispers Your Name -- "The Gift of Unhappiness." It's something I probably need to read once a year. Max's main point is that this is not our permanent home -- and we never will feel quite at home here. Heaven is where we ultimately belong as children of the living God. The sad thing is, too often we try to make earth into heaven. Even believers in Christ do this. I have.

So how do we keep focused on that heavenly home while still carrying out our purpose that the Lord has for us on this earth?

A few things come to mind through some of my experiences:

1. Enjoy all the blessings the Lord gives us. 1 Timothy 4:4 comes to mind -- “everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.”

2. Maintain a perspective on all these blessings -- realizing that they are but a foretaste of the ultimate joy we’ll experience in heaven.

3. Lower your expectations on what relationships and things offer.

4. In our prayers, do more than ask God to answer all our requests –above all, ask Him to give us more of a sense of His presence. To let His love and grace fill us. We are made for a relationship with Jesus!

What is it that John Piper says? "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him."

Bloggers, I’d love to hear your response to this question:

How do we keep focused on that heavenly home while still carrying out our purpose that the Lord has for us on this earth?



At 8:03 AM, Blogger Jim Clark said...

Thanks, Susie and Lynette. I like that approach, Lynette. Live with expectation, ask the Lord to work miracles in our lives... and then look for them.

Expecting the favor of the Lord in our lives.


At 9:48 PM, Blogger Steve said...

Is it possible, though, that we sometimes settle for less than God's best for our lives because we're "heaven-bound"? Doesn't the eternal life Christ modeled and brought at the cross begin when we put our trust in him? I am beginning to see this life as the all-fulfilling realization that we have found our vocation (true calling from God) on this earth and are active in kingdom work.

Here's another question, just for kicks and giggles: Does God call us to lives in which we continue to feel the chronic "quiet dissatisfaction?" I suppose that from time to time our flesh or the Devil tell us lies, but I don't know if I'd be comfortable dismissing a "quiet dissatisfaction" in my life.

Love you, brother.


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