Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Back from Brazil

Yesterday afternoon I dragged through work, having just flown all night from Brazil. It's amazing that you can be in Sao Paulo, Brazil at 9:30 P.M. and be in Dallas (6,000 miles away) early the next morning. As soon as I arrived at work, there were reporters from the Abilene Reporter News and KTXS to interview me about our annual Operation Blue Jeans drive. As soon as I finished those interviewers there were two more reporters in our lobby wanting to do a story -- this time from KTAB. I really don't care to be interviewed -- would prefer that the real stars of this place, our volunteers, could tell the story of how we help low-income children get new school clothes and supplies. But I was thankful for the great coverage. It is such a joy to see this team of peoples serve these families. And as I told one reporter, it is much more than the Service Center helping out these children. It is a community - so many folks in Abilene help us pull off this blue jeans and school supplies drive: financial supporters (churches, individuals, foundations) and volunteers that come here to interview families or help them get their clothes. Thank God for all those in this great city who care so much for the poor -- and do something about it.

I'm still in a bit of a daze from the Brazil trip. Awesome campaign. God is so faithful. The majority of our time was spent at this beautiful camp site that is run by a lovely Spirit-filled couple from the Presbyterian church. If you ever have been on a Walk to Emmaus, that would describe much of what our camp was like. There were about 53 of us from the states working the camp. About 48 teenagers and adults from Itu, Brazil who attended the camp. The worship, small groups, prayer times, meals, games were all so joyful. The Spirit of God was obviously at work. Although we did not witness any dramatic conversions and there have not been any baptisms yet, we trust the Lord that He did His work of transformation during this camp -- and wil continue to do so in the days, weeks and months ahead.

And oh how those Brazilians love to dance! Two evenings we met in the game area and took turns doing American dances (line dancing, Cotton Eye Joe) and Brazilian dances. It is such a community experience. So much fun. So much joy. They taught us a lot about how to enjoy life in wholesome ways.

Later this week I'll give you more reports about the camp. I'll ask you to pray for certain people. Right now I ask that you pray for Edson and Jacenta. They were a couple that Susan and I had lunch with Sunday. They are both fairly new Christians. Jacenta is very involved with the church there and really seems to be growing in the Lord. But her husbnad, Edson, who was baptized at last year's campaign, has stopped coming to church. He still considers himself a believer in Jesus Christ, but for some reason he doesn't hunger for fellowship with other believers.

I realize that we're not saved by going to church, but I am convinced that we cannot grow in Christ without constant interaction with the rest of the body of Christ. So please, bring before the Lord Edson and his wife, Jacenta. Susan and I had long talks with her the Sunday before and when she came by the hotel for a brief visit. She is very concerned for him.

Thank you for your prayers. God truly answered your prayers as He used our team once more to be ambassadors for Christ in Brazil.

With gratitude and joy,



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