Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Reflecting on the mighty deeds of the LORD

Do you ever go through times when you wonder where God is in your life? You’re not sure why you're going through these difficult times? In Psalm 77, the writer seems to be going through some times of doubting God and his work in his life. But then he shifts gears and starts to look back on his life and God’s faithfulness. He says,

“Then I thought, "To this I will appeal: the years of the right hand of the Most High. I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds.”

Tonight at Highland our Brazil 2006 team is giving a praise report to the congregation. And part of what we'll do is look back on the "mighty deeds of God" that we've seen these past six years of participating in campaigns in Brazil. As I wrote my part of the program tonight and asked for input from others (those who have gone there from Abilene and the missionary Highland supports in Itu, Brazil) I was amazed to see all the good things God has done in the people in Itu...and in our hearts. And we don't see it all! Only God does! But He certainly has drawn back the curtain enough to see how faithful He is to His word that when we lift up Jesus, He does draw men and women to Himself. (John 12).

If you ever get down in the dumps and wonder where the Lord is in your life, you might try reading Psalm 77:1-2. And then begin looking back on your life, even if it's the past several weeks. Ask God to bring to mind how faithful and good He has been to you -- in big ways and quiet ways. You could do what my wife does and is encouraging me to do -- start a "Thank You, Lord" journal in which you write down every answer prayer and other blessings you have seen from Him in your life.

It delights our Lord for His children to be in a spirit of praise and thanksgiving. And having a thankful heart keeps us focused on Christ and His goodness - and steers us away from our self-centeredness and tendency to just dwell on the negative.

I'd like to hear what happens to you today when you ask God to give you more of a thankful spirit and to reveal to you how good He has been to you. Let us know.

May we all join Jeremiah in saying, "Give thanks to the LORD Almighty, for the LORD is good; his love endures forever." -- Jer. 33:11



At 2:53 PM, Blogger Steve said...

Jim - Your words today touched my heart. I'm in a situation I know you were in a few years back -- joblessness. It's tough! And demoralizing at times! But recently, I have been reminded that God will provide for us when we put our trust (not just a cognitive "I trust you, God...", but an all-out "I-will-follow-God-no-matter-what" kind of trust) in our Creator, he is faithful.

Your post reminded me today to reflect on the faithfulness of God in the past. We don't do that enough as Christians, and in some ways, I think we are so caught up with thinking about Heaven that we forget about what God has done in the past or is doing in the present. But the Israelites constantly "remembered the deeds of the Lord" and told the stories to their children. Many Jews still carry on that practice today.

Thanks for letting God speak to you...and me...through this wonderful Psalm.

At 8:10 AM, Blogger Jim Clark said...


I appreciate your honest. I've been there, brother.

Bloggers, let's together lift up Steve to the Lord about this job. Such a talented man. There is a place for him and his gifts in Boston!

Thanks for your response, my dear brother, and praise God for how this post and especially this psalm touched your heart.

I've been there in the jobless situation, my brother. It is demoralizng. It's being broken. But you are in the hands of a Father who LOVES you. And He will provide.

I'm going to ask our staff and volunteers to have a special prayer for our dear "Esteban" this morning. And I'll pray for you on and off all day. Please keep us posted.

Your friend and brother in Christ,



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