Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Pursuring Your Dreams...to the Glory of God

I suggest that you read the comment by Kathy in yesterday's post. Great stuff by Oswald Chambers.

This past Sunday afternoon I attended a delightful musical recital by our dear sister from the Highland Church, Sarah Stone. Accompanied by the outstanding pianist, Cheryl Lemmons, Sarah belted out several songs -- sacred and selected with her beautiful Mezzo-Soprano voice (Don't ask me what "Mezzo" is -- I still don't know what soprano is, but I sure loved hearing it from Sarah).

So many Highland folk were there to hear Sarah in her public debut. I don't know all of her story, but what I do know really inspired me. She and I have worked on a Walk to Emmaus -- and during that Walk she told her story. While I won't give all the details, I will say that she has grown tremendously in the Lord these past few years -- and He gave her this passion to share her musical talent. He led her to sing in the choir of Pioneer Drive Baptist Church. They graciously welcomed her, even though she wasn't a member.

After the recital Sunday, we were standing around at the reception hugging and congratulating her. After I gave Sarah a hug and told her that this could just be the beginning, I stepped back and stood next to her husband, Gary. He was beaming with pride as he took picture after picture of Sarah with her friends. Then he turned to me and said, "You know, she's only been singing publicly about four years. When she was in 7th grade, her choir teacher told Sarah that she had a gift of singing. But her family didn't encourage her to pursue this talent. When she started taking voice lessons a few years ago, Sam Cook (a music prof at ACU) told her that if he had gotten to her earlier she could have been a professional."

As I headed out of the music building to my car, I pondered what Gary told me and kept thinking of Sarah's latent musical gifts that were buried for years -- until now. And I thought of all those people who know they have a gift but for some reason do not cultivate it and pursue exercising it -- maybe because of fear, perhaps because no one every encouraged them to "go for it." Or maybe because they thought they'd be selfish or egotistical to develop their talent(s).

I would say to that person who knows they have a gift from God but never nurtured it, which could be you, "It's Never Too Late to Pursue Your Dreams!!" Sarah didn't think it was too late, and she had been a nurse for many years and had already raised and launched into the world her two sons. And she certainly isn't doing this out of ego. During a break in the recital she told the audience that all of her singing is for the glory of God.

Do you want me to tell you a secret? Of course you do. There's a dream in my heart that I have strongly felt lately but have been reluctant to pursue. No, I don't plan to quit my day job to follow this dream. I love my work. But there is a creative talent that I believe the Lord has given me that I have never felt permission to pursue for years. As a hobby, I want to develop more as a photographer and filmmaker. I did this during and after college -- even made a couple films. I loved taking pictures and having a movie camera in my hands. And yet I never felt the confidence to try pursuing this as a career. And then when I sensed the Lord giving me a passion for ministry I followed that leading. And I still feel that passion. However, I want to develop these photography and film gifts -- even if it's on the side. And to do so for the glory of my King.

How about you? What are you passionate about? What gift do you know God has given you that you may have not developed much? -- Writing? Decorating? Counseling others? Starting a business? Painting? Gardening?

And if you know you have a gift and are not pursuing it, what's holding you back? And are you willing to lay this on the altar and ask the Lord to help you explore the full potential of this talent/gift -- for His glory and honor?

Our God is a creative God! Just look at a sunrise and sunset. Let's explore our creative side and enjoy that creativity He gives us -- even if our only audience is God Himself.



At 4:00 PM, Blogger Candy said...

Jim - I sure wish you'd talk to Michael Mercer and see if he can use you in the youth ministry. They have a blossoming video ministry there and I think your encouragement and even involvement would be most welcome.

At 8:07 AM, Blogger Jim Clark said...

Thanks, Candy. I didn't know about this. I will contact them. Great idea.


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