Wednesday, March 14, 2007

His Holiness

Yesterday I ate lunch with and then spoke to a group called the "Hilltoppers" -- some delightful senior saints at the Hillcrest congregation. It turned out to be somewhat of a reunion as I renewed friendships with former Highland members, including my sweet gray haired angel friend, Polly Hilbert. She is still going strong as she turns 87 this year.

After I showed my Powerpoint presentation and told about volunteer opportunities at the Service Center, Polly came up to me and insisted that I go with her upstairs so she could show me her classroom. She co-teaches a class of young people -- the type of ministry she's been involved in for years. What Polly especially wanted to proudly show me was this model of the tabernacle that her students made. It was quite impressive -- a miniature recreation of the table of showbread, candles, washing basins outside the tabernacle, and of course the ark of the covenant. And ever piece was spray painted in gold.

As I gazed at this model, I was struck with the truth that our God is holy, holy, holy. And how much we need a go-between in order to approach Him.

Last Saturday while out west to visit my Mom, I read a brief yet potent article in the new Discipleship Journal, my favorite magazine. One of the best authors I've read lately, Mark Buchanan, wrote a stunning article on God's character as revealed in the Old Testament prophets. In three and a half pages, Buchanan paints an awesome vision of God's majesty, especially the holiness of Almighty God. Here are some snippets of what he wrote:

The prophets give us the fullest portrait of the awesome holiness of God...We encounter Amos' God who roars from Zion. Isaiah's God, whose robe fills the temple and whose glory fills the earth. Jeremiah's God who overturns the deluded optimism of a nation. Ezekiel’s God who shows up in wild contraptions of metal and fire...This is the God we fear and revere. Hallowed be His Name.

The wholly otherness and utter holiness of the God the prophets reveal serves as a needed and potent corrective in an age that craves intimacy with God but treats obedience as optional. It provides an antidote to the trivialized image of a god whose main purpose is to find us parking stalls close to the mall entrance and new jeans on sale in our size.

Better to come trembling before the true God, fierce and wild, who could destroy you with one breath and burn you up with one glance, but who instead longs to breathe His Spirit fresh into you, making even dry bones live, and touch heaven's fire to your mouth, making even your unclean lips fit for praise.

I'm wondering how much more we would praise and thank God for the cross of Jesus Christ if we dwelled more on the holiness of God. And how much more would we strive for holy living if we believed deep in our hearts how holy, holy holy our God was. And that the only hope for salvation for us sinful creatures is the atoning blood death of our precious resurrected Lord Jesus.

The replica of the tabernacle constructed by Polly's students and Buchanan's reminder from the words of the prophets made me appreciate all the more this amazing promise to those who believe in Christ:

"We have access to God at any moment." (Eph. 2:18)

And so I bow down to His holiness and say how great and awesome He is. And so full of love that He would save me, give me His Holy Spirit and then touch my lips so that I would declare His praises throughout my life...and forever.



At 5:47 PM, Blogger Beverly said...

I've heard of this "Polly"..hahaha..she told me she got to be with you and was so excited!

At 10:14 PM, Blogger Tailpipe Terry said...

"Our God is a great BIG God"
We had an awesome night at Freedom Fellowship.

It's late but "Happy Birthday, Jim"
(I read that in the paper today)

love you, brother

At 10:57 AM, Blogger Foy Jackson said...

Morning Reflection/Responce to Luke 1: (esp. vs.37)


If I believe that YOU are all-powerful...the word "impossible" should not be in my vocabulary.

Even my human weakness is not a barrier for YOU. "Faith" is actually quiet simple (at least for some!)...all I have to do is be obedient to YOU. Because if YOU call me to do something YOU will accomplish it. YOU will equip me, YOU will enable me to finish.

I am "doing what I can", today, Bro. Jim!


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