Thursday, March 02, 2006

Grace and truth...we need both

This morning I woke up thinking about how in my pastoral role over the years the times when I needed to give people the truth. As Mike Cope quoted Will Willimon's prayer, "Father, please deliver me from the temptation of protecting people from the truth of Jesus." Too often I've given into that temptation.

The truth hurts at times, doesn't it. When I was in my early 20's and living out the "good life" in Southern California, some people in the Jesus movement began to tell me the truth of Jesus Christ. At first I didn't like it. Jesus threatened me. When I began reading the New Testament, it took only the first few chapters of Matthew to convict me of how real Christ was. His words really were a two-edged sword. The truth hurt, but at the time it didn't heal me because I wasn't open to Jesus. He was so patient with me, however, and gave me the time to accept His grace and know the truth -- which is a Person.

These musings made me think of one of the messages I heard at the conference last week. It was by one of my favorite authors and speakers, John Ortberg -- a former Willow Creek teaching pastor. The main point of John's message was that people desperately need God's grace....but they also need truth. "Some of us in the church suffer with terminal kindness," he said. "It's conflict avoidance disguised as grace. "

He reminded us of the well known passage in John 1 -- "Grace and truth came in Jesus Christ." "Jesus continually gave to people both grace and truth"

The truth hurts, but it can also heal. I recall so well when I went through a 12 step program at our church. God blessed me with a wonderful sponsor and a great support group. And also an excellent book that God used to open my eyes to His truth, a book that Keith Miller wrote (The Healing Journey). Working the steps helped me experience God's grace in marvelous ways...but also the truth. The truth of the sin in my life that was still controlling me and hurting my relationships, especially with my wife and kids. I needed to see that I was a perfectionist, self-centered and demanding. The truth set me free...and He still does, if I allow Him to.

I thought of how we can give grace and truth to each other in community. Specifically, I thought of our small group, which I love dearly. We're meeting again this Sunday night. I may share with them some of this "grace and truth " concept. And I'm just wondering how we would be changed by God if we allowed the community, our brothers and sisters in Christ, to not only extend grace to us, but also speak the truth of God's word into our lives. Even if it offended us. Even if we get mad.

Grace and truth. We need both. Letting Jesus transform our lives is a package deal. But I wouldn't want it any other way.

How has the Truth set you free lately? And what do you think about the power of Christian community in giving and receiving both grace and truth?



At 6:20 AM, Blogger Randy said...

thanks Jim, the word i needed this morning. Grace and Truth are essential. With only grace we do not uphold are responsibility in Christian community to help people grow. With only truth we too easily forget our place in the same journey. I am struck again recently by how Paul begins 2 Corinthians talking about how the blessings and comfort he received from God were given to him partially in order to pass on to others. Grace and truth are the same. We have received both from God. Both need to be passed and all needs to be done in love. Thank you brother

At 6:49 AM, Blogger Candy said...

well, now, let me just say i agree.

At 10:01 AM, Blogger Clint said...

I agree as well, first we picked up our cross and don’t forget to leave room for the Spirit. He is the one who convicts hearts.

At 10:20 AM, Blogger Jim Clark said...

Great to hear your feedback, fellow bloggers.

Wow, Lynette, very truthful reflections. I want us to work through this some more at our next small group. It's scary, but it could be so freeing, too. And Randy, it's so nice to hear from you all the way from Brazil. You're in a context where in a mission team you're learing all sorts of things about grace and truth. My prayers are with you, my brother, as you birth that church. May the Spirit of Jesus Christ fill you, Jen and your whole team as you patiently and prayerfully learn the language, the culture and reach out to your neighbors with the gospel.



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