Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Seeking more than Gideon faith

Another verse leaped out and grabbed me. It was in my reading in Judges 4 this morning. The Lord appears to Gideon during a time when the Midianites were crushing God's people as a result of Israel's sin.

God in His mercy responded to the cries of His fickle people and sent another judge to rescue him -- a man named Gideon who believed God's call on His life, and yet with some doubts and reservations.

When the angel of the LORD appeared to Gideon, he said, "The LORD is with you, mighty warrior." Those are His first words to Gideon: "I am with you!" (Reminds me of the song Rod Pringle wrote recently, which I listen to on CD in my truck over and over). And the Lord calls Gideon a mighty warrior. What an identity!!

And how does Gideon initially respond? With doubt: "if the LORD is with us, why has all this happened to us?"

You know the story. Gideon eventually did trust God and was used by Him to route the Midianites. Yet the latter part of Gideon's life was not a happy tale.

It's so easy for me to be hard on Gideon...until I face my own demons of doubt. Why is it that at times I have such a hard time in the fundamental step of simply trusting God and taking Him at His word?

Our family has gone with a group from Highland to Brazil three times. And every time the Lord has provided "above and beyond what we can ask or imagine" in funding, gifts, etc. And yet as we face another challenge of raising a lot of money for our trip to Brazil this summer, with 9 weeks left before we go, those nagging doubts are rising up again, gnawing away at my faith.

The other day I read a wonderful article in the new Discipleship Journal about having childlike faith. A faith that knows that their Daddy is going to take care of them. The author suggested one way to receive this type of faith is to merely ask the Father. And that's what I've been doing the last couple days. "Lord, please give me that childlike trust in You."

I don't want my circumstances to rule me. Nor my emotions. Nor my fears and doubts. I want the Spirit of Jesus Christ to take captive my thoughts and help my unbelief. And to honor Him by standing on His word, trusting His word, recalling His faithfulness to me in the past and once more stepping out in faith.

Lord Jesus, I do believe in You. Please cast away from my heart any hint of unbelief. In Your powerful Name I pray, Amen.

Still learning to believe,



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