Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Transforming Moments

My intern at the Service Center, Steve Holt, is continually sharing with me stimulating material to read or hear. Recently he handed me a CD entitled "Revolution." It contains excerpts from the book Revolution that is read by its author, church researcher George Barna. The material is so challenging and foundation-shaking that I'm finding myself listening to it in small segments, and often rewinding the CD in order to hear again his provocative findings. Frankly, it is so challenging at times that I feel like turning off my CD player at times. But I feel that if I'm going to keep following Jesus and take seriously this call to take up my cross and follow Him daily, I must allow myself to be stretched by the Holy Spirit. And oh, how stretching this CD is by George Barna! And yet so exciting, too!

Barna tells of a movement of the Spirit throughout the United States that he and his team of researchers are witnessing. And much of this movement is beyond the borders of the institutional church. Small pockets of disciples, who are taking very seriously their relationship with the living Christ, are seeking and finding avenues of deep spiritual transformation.

Barna said that he was stunned when his research showed that most of these believers who have had transforming moments with Christ did not experience these life-changing events within the context of the typical local church. Instead, they met Christ in fresh ways through what Barna calls "mini-movements" -- small groups that were outside a congregational connection.

Although I'm not ready to abandon my involvement in my own church, which I love deeply, I do want to experience all that God has for me and my fellow believers in Christ. And I want our church to encourage our members to seek out a vibrant relationship with Jesus within these mini-movements that He initiates.

As I look back on my experiences as a Christian, I think of the many mini-movements of the Spirit that the Lord has given me. Here are a few that come to mind:

1. Our small group one Sunday night when we prayed over a couple who were excited about the upcoming birth of their baby -- but were deeply concerned about the breast cancer that has stricken the mom. After praying over them and anointing them with oil, we listened to our "David" of the group, Rod Pringle, who played on his guitar and song a very touching song he had written lately, "I Am With You."

2. Worshipping Jesus with believers from several denominations on a weekend Walk to Emmaus, witnessing the love of Christ like I've never witnessed before. I've been on several of these and each time have been overwhelmed with the way the power and love of Jesus breaks through when a group of His children gather to worship Him and call upon His Name.

3. Having prayer time with two beloved co-workers at my previous job, where we shared deeply from our hearts and then held each other as we went to the Father together in prayer.

4. Meeting my dear friend, Bob Amis, at a Denny's in Memphis. He and I were fellow graduate students and would have an early morning breakfast and Bible study after working into the wee hours at Federal Express.

I want to be more in tune with the movements of the Spirit that so often happen outside my regular church meeting experiences.

What spiritually transforming moment have you had lately in a mini-movement of God's Spirit? It may come your way some time this day. Let's ask God to meet us today in some unexpected ways -- and to also be there for others so that they can "taste and see that the Lord is good" as they meet Jesus in us.



At 11:09 AM, Blogger Beverly said...

Lately? It would have to have been this last weekend at Winterfest when There's a Stirring was sung and many of our youth fell apart. It reminded them of the little brother they had lost in the wreck and how that was the last song they all sang together before his death. The spirit of comfort moved among all these teens as they literally held each other up physically and emotionally..I will never forget that holy moment.

At 12:30 PM, Blogger Clint said...

After offering you the book The Road To Daybreak I could not find it. I went to BAM and they did not have it but I found a compilation of Nouwen’s writings Turn My Mourning into Dancing. Wow talk about the right book at the right time. I did not even know I was morning I thought it was Night. Nouwen writes about Jesus on the cross, and when he cried out “My God My God why have you forsaken me”. I have taught on this verse many times and believe even though the physical abuse Jesus took was horrible, the moment he felt alone was the worst of his live on earth. As I read this I had to stop and look away. It reminded me of the many nights I sat up in bed, with fist in air, screamed in my inter being how could God let His child (me) suffer in pain so much with out relief. As I looked away a tear weld up in my eye and began to roll down my face. I had not felt so close to Jesus in a long time.

At 1:47 PM, Blogger Jim Clark said...

Thank you, Beverly and Clint, for sharing your transforming moments. Reflecting on what you both said, isn't it true that those moments often are a mingling of facing pain mixed with heavenly joy? That taste of heaven we will one day get to feed on forever.

Clint, I keep praying for you and love you, brother.



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