Monday, March 06, 2006

Step Into the Circle

Last night was a big night! It was exciting, wasn't it! The type of thing we'd like to experience over and over. No, I'm not talking about the Academy Awards and how "Crash" upset the evening by going away with the Oscar for Best Picture. I'm referring to our small group. It was one of the best ever. The Spirit of the living God visited us in a wonderful way.

After a long meal time we adjourned to the living room. Rod Pringle, our resident worship leader and song writer, led us in praise and worship. He then played a song that he had written shortly after the death of our beloved friend, Kerri Lane, the young woman from Highland who succumbed so quickly to cancer. It was a holy moment as Rod played on his guitar and sang this moving song about Kerri's love for Jesus and how she "danced" with Him in this sweet relationship. That dance must be so sweet now as Kerri is in the very presence of her Savior. Some day all of us who claim Him as Savior and King will join her in this dance with the Lord.

After the praise time, Lynette Bridges led us in the most creative and free-flowing prayer time I've ever witnessed. She asked us to stand up, get in a big circle as we stood shoulder to shoulder. Then she invited us to take turns in stepping into the circle and telling the group how we needed God to work in our lives -- or in the lives of loved ones. One by one different ones of us stepped in the circle and allowed our small group family to lay hands on us and bring our name and needs before the Father.

Sometimes we prayed simultaneously. At one point Lynette asked a pregnant mom to let us surround her as all the women touched her expanding tummy and prayed over this precious boy whom the Lord was forming in her womb.

Other times we laughed out loud as someone said something humorous about the one in the circle. It was a sanctified laughter, as we all enjoyed the presence of the Lord in the circle.

Two or three times Lynette asked if anyone would like to step into the circle on behalf of a family member or friend who was not there that night but who needed our prayers. One father stepped in the circle on behalf of his child. I got in the middle on behalf of a dear friend who is in deep crisis.

We ended our time by thanking and praising God. It was an evening of holy joy. As Susan and I went home and prepared for the next day while watching the final hour of the Academy Awards (which was quite an anti-climax), we realized how blessed we were to be a part of this group. It's not that we're better than others or are part of an ideal small group. It's just that God gave all of us once more a taste of His goodness and love as He visited us that evening in that circle of love.

As we were going to sleep, Susan said, "We had 'church' tonight, didn't we Jim." Yes, we did.

It reminded me of the recent Time Magazine article I read -- about the growth of house churches. Apparently many evangelical Christians are leaving megachurches and returning to a simple church format. They're meeting in homes for praise, studying God's word, sharing in a meal coupled with taking communion and praying for each other. Hmmm. Sounds like Acts 4 to me. And it certainly mirrored our circle of prayer last night.

Isn't that what so many believers long for? Experiencing God's love and grace and at times discipline within a community of other believers? As much as I love the corporate worship on Sunday morning, I also desperately long for a smaller gathering of fellow Christ-followers where we can be real with each other, confess sin and be the body of Christ to one another.

Have you "stepped into the circle" lately? If not, how could we pray for you to find such a group? If so, tell us about your experience. May we all sense more of the touch of Jesus in our lives as we're literally touched and prayed for by those who are filled with the very presence of Christ. And then may we step out of that circle and love those that God puts in our path all this week.



At 9:40 AM, Blogger Beverly said...

wish i could have been there...

At 11:16 AM, Blogger Clint said...

"As we were going to sleep, Susan said, "We had 'church' tonight, didn't we Jim." Yes, we did."

yes indeed

At 12:42 PM, Blogger Lauren said...

I am so blessed to be loved by your small group! I love how the Lord sends the presence of the Holy Spirit to expectant and surrendered hearts and moves in a way that leaves the participants of his power changed and ready to live differently. I also love how the Spirit has gifted Lynette to be such an anointed spiritual leader. She is one of my favorites:) I love you and Susan so much and I am blessed to call you Heavenly family!

At 8:15 AM, Blogger Candy said...

Jim, I believe you captured Sunday night in words the best we can and still it escapes words. What an anointed evening. I crave more of church done just like that. I pray we can become even more free to worship and to love and to take it out from there and spread it around. Rod is precious. Lynette is astonishing. You are so tender-hearted. I could go on and on. Suffice it to say, I love our small group.

At 8:18 AM, Blogger Candy said...

oh yeah, and I wish beverly and elisabeth had been there too. There's always next time!


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