Tuesday, March 07, 2006

What do I say to William?

People who come to our ministry for assistance are required to give us some information about themselves -- address, social security number and so on. Every once in a while there is a discrepancy with the information they give to us and to another ministry in town. It happened again yesterday.

Cheryl, our office manager, came into my office and showed me the records of William. He said that he was living with a woman with two of his children and that she was pregnant again. However, a volunteer at another ministry had said that this woman came to them for food four days ago and told her that William did not live with her and she was not pregnant.

William was out in our lobbby, waiting to be interviewed for his request for food -- for him, his girlfriend and the children. It was time for some confrontation.

As I opened the door to our waiting room, I saw William seated there. Immediately I sensed that his life was a mess. And it grieved my heart. We sat down in my office and I showed him all the records to try to get the truth out of him. He asked me to call his live-in girlfriend, which I did. She let me know that he had just moved back in the house.

I then told William that we wouldn't help him and his household that day since a few days ago they had received food from a pantry just down the street. I did, however, promise him that if he and his girlfriend came back together in a week or so with a need for food we'd gladly help them.

Before I let William go, I felt the need to speak into his heart. I was so burdened by his out-of-control lifestyle. I said, "William, I want you to have a vision for your life that is in harmony with God. I'm not preaching at you, but I want you to know that there is a much better way for you to live. My wife and I have been married for 24 plus years. And we have problems. We're not perfect. And yet we have such a great relationship and the reason is because of what Jesus is doing in our lives. When you live His way, He blesses you so much. I want you and your girlfriend to experience this relationship. Do you know about God's way for your life?"

William leaned back in his chair, threw his head back, adjusted his hat and said, "I know what you're saying. I was raised in a preacher's home"

At that point, I especially wanted him to know that I wasn't preaching to him. I didn't want to hammer him with "the law," which would have driven him away. Instead, I wanted to appeal to him with God's love. To help him see that when you live for Jesus Christ He gives you a quality of life that is so rich -- even though we're still going to have problems, conflicts and worries.

This conversation reminded me of what my 12 steps sponsor used to tell me when he was helping me work the steps. He'd counsel me with these wise words: "I share with people my hope, strength and experience." I've been trying to do the same with others, especially our neighbors that come here to the Service Center.

I want to bear witness to them of what Christ has done in my life and what He could do in their lives, if they would let Him make a home in their hearts. Do you see how this approach of bearing witness to others is so much more powerful than telling them, "You need to go to church" or "You shouldn't be living together" or "You need to get married. " If we tell them what they need to do without telling them about the hope and forgiveness they can have in Christ, then we're just preaching moralism.

Please pray for William, that he will come to his senses and see his deep need for Jesus Christ and turn to Him. And let's pray for each other, that we would:

"Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.(Col. 4:5)

"Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." (1 Peter 3:15)



At 9:11 AM, Blogger Lauren said...


You are such a powerful minister of the gospel and love of Christ! You truly were the hands and heart of Jesus to this inwardly hurting man. In my opinion you were used by the Holy Spirit to be an agent of power and accountability. Thank you sweet brother, for living the call of God so intentionally. Be blessed today as you minister his healing, love, and presence:)

At 10:45 AM, Blogger Kathy said...


If only all of us could develop your wonderful, loving spirit - that of looking deep into others' eyes, down into their souls - tht we would learn to recognize when people are hurting, and follow your guidance, speaking out with gentle, loving boldness.
If only we all would follow your lead in living "the gospel is GOD's power to salvation" not ours, that we need only seek the Holy Spirit's leading and words. He will do it for us and others can be healed of their hurts.
It make take years before God's love, shown through your words, bears fruit in William's heart, but I firmly believe it will come, that it's God's will that all His children come to Him for redemption and sanctification.

Please, LORD, give me the strength and boldness to follow Jim's lead in reaching out to the many hurting of Your children. Amen!

At 11:27 AM, Blogger Beverly said...

Wow, Jim..you looked at him through the eyes of Jesus..He's smiling..thank you for being such a willing servanat.

At 2:04 PM, Blogger Jim Clark said...

Dear friends:

You guys are so kind. I need to share all the times when I DIDN'T do this right with people to whom I tried to witness to. : )

All glory to God for whatever good He does through you and me. Isn't it a matter of asking Jesus to work THROUGH us rather than us working FOR Him? Makes all the difference, doesn't it.

Still learning,


At 2:19 PM, Blogger Lauren said...

You are just like my precious daddy!:) So very humble. God is doing wonderous things through you. Keep abiding in the only life-giving Source for all of who and what you are.

At 4:49 PM, Blogger Candy said...

Jim - Just keep speaking the truth, brother! The truth will set William, and the rest of us, free.

At 9:58 PM, Blogger G'ampa C said...

Sometimes speaking the truth in love takes the speaker and the hearer out of the comfort zones. Wouldn't it be interesting to know what William's goals really are? What he really believes about Jesus and the life after death? All of us tend to make the day's worries consume our time and efforts, but that only addresses today and not eternity. Jesus was followed daily (apparently)by people hoping for food. Jesus was sympathetic to the hungry, but he saw their spiritual starvation so very clearly...
What we all need is Jesus, the Bread of Life, and William is hearing that from you. Speak the truth in love, brother.


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