Monday, March 26, 2007

The Opening in the Storm

While I'm exhausted this morning I'm also exhilirated. Once more God gave me the privilege of working a Walk to Emmaus. It was another amazing experience of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on a group of men whose hearts were humbled, broken, healed and loved. Throughout the 72 hours there were prayer warriors all over the Abilene area and elsewhere that were taking turns in half hour segments praying for this Walk.

Two things really hit me this weekend.

1. What damage Satan does when we don't live in God's grace and try to control our own lives

2. What wonders Jesus does when we let Him in our hearts and allow Him to take control.

One of the most powerful stories was in the final talk. This brother told of being caught in a terrible thunderstorm while flying a plane all by himself. The storm was so fierce that he feared that the wings of the plane would break off. It was at this point that he realized that he couldn't get himself out of this crisis. And then it hit him -- for all of his life, God was part of his life, but not all of his life. He treated God like his co-pilot. In the midst of the storm he knew it was time to give up all control of his life and he cried out to Jesus, "Lord, You're going to have to be my pilot." Not long after that prayer, a huge opening in the sky burst into his vision. He flew right for that opening and into clear sky.

From that point forward, he has let Christ be his pilot and he has experienced over and over the resurrection power of his life.

What is it about the battle of our flesh that we want to keep taking control? After this Walk, I'm reminded once more that daily surrender to the power of the Holy Spirit is what our Lord is calling us to do.

As my friend Bill Nash told us in his talk what he's learned, "I can't...God can...I think I'll let Him."

What joy and freedom awaits us when we let Jesus take the wheel. And what blessings we bring to others when we stop being control freaks and let Christ be our His glory.



At 12:45 PM, Blogger Kathy said...

Jim dear,

It is so inspiring to read the glow coming from you as a result of your Walk weekend.

The workings of the Holy Spirit on those weekends is so amazing! How lives and hearts are changed in just 72 hours! PTL!!!

Welcome back and may this glow stay be permanent!

In His love, grace and mercy


At 4:30 PM, Blogger Jim Clark said...

Thanks for praying for us each day at 3:30 P.M. I saw your name on that prayer vigil in the conference room and thanked the Lord for you. Almighty God answered those prayers -- more than we can imagine!


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