Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Sex...It is Really Good

I thought I'd get your attention with the title of this post. This topic pervades so much of our mass media, as we all know. Unfortunately, sex in our culture is mostly discussed or portrayed in a context outside of God's beautiful plan. Take for example the film I saw over Christmas time.

It seemed like a sweet love story when I read about it. So I succumbed to Susan's preference for a chick flick and took her to see "The Holiday." This film has some great acting by Kate Winslett and Jack Black. And the latter half of the film really comes through as a wonderful story of friendship, family and love. But in my opinion Nancy Meyer, the writer/director, blew it when she had one couple jump in bed within an hour of meeting each other.

I thought about this film while at Starbucks with Susan last night. We love to go there to read and drink coffee. And I read a tremendous article on God's perspective on sex in the new Discipleship Journal. Paula Rhinehart, a marriage counselor and terrific writer, does a wonderful job articulating a Christ-centered perspective on sex. She tells of why God puts boundaries around the sexual experience, limiting it to husband and wife. Sex is more than two bodies coming together, she says...it's a deep connection between two souls.

Rhinehart writes, "We cannot engage in something with our bodies without our hearts and souls being affected...When we bond physically with another person, through sex, our souls also bond. ...This glue is what helps couples endure together the stress and strain of crying babies and aging parents, of lost jobs and chronic illness."

After I read this article I took another sip of coffee and thought of how refreshing it was to hear God's truth on this subject. He loves us so much that He gives us this gift to be expressed in marriage. Yes, to create children. But also to continually bond us as a couple. And in His great love He tells us how to safeguard ourselves from the misuse and abuse of sex.

I want others to hear this truth! I'm so weary of the message of films and T.V. that tell us that sex can be toyed with and then one can escape from the consequences of sexual sin. I pray for our children, that they will wait until they get married to experience this blessing solely with their mate.

I think of the many people that have been so messed up by pre-marital or post-marital sex -- whether as a promiscous teenager, living with someone, being in a common-law relationship, being sexually abused, or committing adultery.

And then I think of how this longing for intimacy with the opposite sex is really a metaphor for or a reflection of the deep longing for closeness with God that can only be found through faith in Jesus. It seems to me that this this obsession with sex in our culture stems from an emptiness in people's hearts. An empty space that cannot be filled by any experience or anyone but the Holy Spirit, given to us by Jesus.

When our souls are bonded to Jesus, then the Holy Spirit and God's word will give married couples the guidance and the power to deeply appreciate and be strengthened by this sex drive. And if we're single, Jesus will give us the strength to resist sexual temptation and seek an intimacy with Him that cannot be matched by anything. Not even sex.



At 11:05 AM, Blogger JPReding said...

Good word. Thank you for sharing an honest heartfelt word. Hope you've had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

At 4:16 PM, Blogger Jim Clark said...

Thanks, Jared. Glad to hear from you, brother.

Our Christmas was great, thank the Lord. And yours?


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