Movie Night
I especially enjoy hearing 98.1 on Friday mornings while driving to work. Each Friday at about 7:42 A.M. Mike Parker gives his "family friendly" movie reviews. He reviewed three of them this morning -- and gave them all high ratings: "RV" stars zany Robin Williams as a family man taking a road trip across the country. When he isn't crude, Williams is one of the funnest and funniest actor to watch on the screen. My favorite role of his was the genie in "Aladdin."
The second film was of the young African girl in the spelling bee. Lawrence Fishburne is in it. Can't recall the name of the film. But he said it's very good and a family film.
Finally, he rated "United 93." An excellent movie, Parker said, but it really shook him up. I have ambivalent feelings about going to see it. Not sure if I want to have to watch all that violence (I admit it -- I'm squeamish about violent films). Parker felt he was watching the real thing, not just a dramatization.
Tonight Susan and I will probably opt for the early, cheap showing of "The Sentinel, " starring Keifer Sutherland. We love his acting. Yes, I must confess for the both of us that we're hooked on "24." We watch the re-runs on Sunday night. And the Monday night current shows of "24" are a never-miss experience. I don't think I've ever seen a better-written television show.
Isn't amazing how films, videos and DVD's have such an enormous impact on our lives? Along with music, it is probably the primary cultural influence on our teens. Rather than blast all the bad stuff on DVD's (and there is some horrendous junk out there), what if we could use films as a teaching tool for our kids? For our churches? I appreciate how our preacher, Mike Cope, has used film effectively to illustrate points in his sermon.
And what if we could use films as a talking point with those we know who aren't yet committed followers of Christ? Some Christian groups are planning to avoid boycotting "The Da Vinci Code" and instead use it as an opportunity to talk with their non-believing friends about the real Christ. (you might check out all the great materail about this upcoming blockbuster Christianity Today's website about "The Da Vinci Code."
For starters, see:
See you at the movies,